Ranking the 5 Toughest Fencing Materials

Wrought Iron Fence

Toughness is an essential quality in a fence. But what does it mean? Science defines toughness as the “ability of a material to absorb energy and plastically deform without fracturing,” or in layman’s terms if you kick it hard it shouldn’t break!

While scientists define it that way, it’s also important that your fence is tough and resistant to other forms of punishment like aging and weather conditions. For this reason, we are going to consider all three to help you to make the most informed purchasing decision.

1st Place: Wrought Iron

Wrought iron is very rarely iron any longer. While in the past cast iron was used, we chose to substitute in galvanized steel for its superior strength, lower price and higher resistance to rust and weather damage.

This fencing is one of our most popular options because it can easily last for decades to come and still look just as fantastic. Steel is tremendously tough; it would be practically impossible to destroy without machinery, making it perfect for security, charm, and privacy.

It’s also surprisingly weather resistant. By using a powder coating on the steel, we can make it resistant to chipping, peeling, and rust. What more could you want from your fence?

2nd Place: Aluminium

Aluminum is another metal option, one that we don’t offer because wrought iron is superior, which is relatively strong. While not as desirable as wrought iron, aluminum is plenty strong enough to add extra security to your home and to provide a restricted area for your children or pets to play.

This material is used to replicate the aesthetic of wrought iron at a lower cost, but it doesn’t offer the same strength or weather resistance, making it an inferior choice.

3rd Place: Chain Link

Chain link is arguably the most popular fencing in the country. It’s cheap, gets the job done and will last for decades. Chain fencing is made out of metal, and while it’s not as strong as solid wrought iron posts, the structure of the chain makes it resistant to direct force.

You might be surprised at just how strong chain link fences are, it would be practically impossible to kick through one and break the chain without tools. While they don’t offer the same protection as a wrought iron fence, they are far cheaper which can make them the perfect option for a large backyard.

4th Place: Wood

Wood is another material that we don’t offer any longer. While it is stronger than vinyl, at least to direct force, it will age terribly, and within a decade the weather will have seriously impacted the aesthetic and durability of the fence.

For these reasons, we refuse to use wood. It rots, chips and peels, leaving you with an ugly fence that is relatively easy to break. Its only redeeming feature is that during the first couple years it can look beautiful and while the wood is still sturdy it can be relatively tough to break through.

But for those looking for security wrought iron is a far superior option. It’s much more robust and nearly resistant to aging and weather conditions. While a wood fence will be rotting within a couple of decades, wrought iron will stand sturdy and look beautiful.

For those who desire the privacy of wood, vinyl privacy fences offer you the same solitude without the added maintenance and slow decay.

5th Place: Vinyl

Vinyl is the least robust material on this list, but only because it is relatively easy to break through with direct force compared to the others. However, it will hardly age, and it is incredibly resistant to the weather.

In comparison to wood, vinyl will handle less direct force, but it will still be standing and looking beautiful decades from now while wood will have rotted and decayed.

For those who have been looking for a wood fence, we would urge you to consider vinyl. It’s a far better option that is more aesthetic, lasts longer and can even be cheaper to purchase and install.