An ornamental fence installation not only boosts the aesthetic appeal of your property but enhances its value and security as well. Using only the most long-lasting and strong wrought iron materials, Northland Fence has been expertly and efficiently installing superb ornamental fences for Cottage Grove communities since 2004.
Modern galvanized steel is more durable than ever, and our ornamental fence panels are perfectly painted to resist corrosion and last decades.
Even the highest-end ornamental fence design is available with our myriad financing plans, so your home value can go up now.
Envision your outdoor oasis being that much more secure, elegant, and inviting for your family and friends to enjoy quality time together.
Northland’s experienced installation experts ensure that every curve and inlaid design of the ornamental fencing panels line up for a seamless panorama. Flat-top ornamental fences can be customized to a great degree, and you can choose from tastefully curved top lines, straight-top rails with intricate designs, and more.
With all the same benefits of deluxe flat top fences, reach ever-higher creative expression with ornamental spear top fences. It creates a bold statement of your artistic side and security-mindedness because the sharper top makes it much harder for intruders to climb.
We choose only the most resilient, lasting wrought iron material available.
Your home itself will speak to the hearts of guests and neighbors!
With myriad gating options, your ornamental fence design increases your property’s usability.
Our experienced installation crews are true professionals and fencing experts.
Especially with ornamental fences, you have many color, form, and design options.
Your perimeter will efficiently keep out animals and warn trespassers away.
Northland has produced a simple online tool to help you choose the right combination of shapes, colors, gates, and layout of your ornamental fence. Input your address to see the Google image of your property and enjoy experimenting with your new fence design with your family!
To best help Cottage Grove communities, Northland also provides multi-tiered financing options with very high acceptance rates. Learn more through our flex financing portal below, and be sure that you don’t delay or skimp on your property and family’s protection if you don’t have to.
In the city of Cottage Grove’s jurisdiction, fencing codes mandate that fences be 1 foot away from public walkways, 6 feet or shorter in rear and side yards, and 4 feet in front yards. Public/government buildings do not have these restrictions, and swimming pool fence codes are at 9-11-4C.
Since 2004, Northland Fence has been providing the most exceptional care and service to communities across Minnesota, as our reviews demonstrate. Call or email us for all your fencing needs.