Fence Installation Contractors Scandia, MN

Getting a Fence in Scandia, MN

Promote safety to all of those in the community by learning all the requirements for fence installation in Scandia. Fences can bring beauty to your land, and even serve a vital need to your lifestyle, but they need to be examined in line with the rules for your specific state, city, and neighborhood.

Do I need my property pins exposed?

Can I build my fence on an easement?

Where can I place my fence on the property?

Do I need to notify my neighbors when getting a fence?

What is the good neighbor rule and does it apply for my fence?

Is your neighbor required to pay for a sharing fence line?

Do I need a fence permit?

Who calls the utilities when installing my fence?

Do I need a survey before installing a fence?

What are the requirements of installing a fence around a swimming pool (above ground and in ground)?

I live on a corner lot. How far do I need to be away from the curb when installing a fence?

What is the height restrictions on a fence?

Are there any design restrictions?

How do I choose a fence?

Know Your Property

The layout of the lot can help you decide where to best place the barrier. Precise plans and in depth layouts will make for an easy process. This will all begin with knowing what your lot contains and its exact limits.

Do I need my property pins exposed?

To locate your property lines, final all property stakes inserted in the ground at the corners of your property. Have all property pins visible before Northland Fence begins the fence installation in Scandia.

If these pins are missing or damaged, a Certified Surveyor can replace them.

Can I install a boundary fence?

No public easements can be built upon. The fence will be removed by the city and the homeowner will be fined. Building around an easement is possible if it can still be readily available to the city or any utility workers.

Can I build my fence on an easement?

Easements on or near your property are meant to remain accessible to an intended user when needed. Your fence should never block access to an easement. Fences that interfere with work on an easement, may be removed at the expense of the owner.

Where can I place my fence on the property?

You will have to carefully plot the location of your fence to ensure it does not encroach on neighboring property. You will also need to avoid natural water drainage, public rights of way, and easements when planning construction. The best way to define these locations is by getting the help of a certified surveyor or by using the deed if a past survey is on file.

Know Your Neighbors

The additional rules laid out by your neighborhood covenant or subdivision needs followed in the fullest along with City standards. The beautification of a neighborhood is important, but the guidelines can also be for safety, or to relieve tension among property owners. Learn when and how to approach adjoining neighbors about construction.

Do I need to notify my neighbors when getting a fence?

You are not required to inform neighbors of an upcoming project on your property. Neighbors should be notified however if you will be entering their property during construction. Communication between neighbors is the best way to avoid unnecessary disputes. A neighbor may even be willing to contribute to costs if you are willing to compromise on design or location.

What is the good neighbor rule and does it apply for my fence?

The good neighbor rule simply means each neighbor respecting both their own and each others property. Whether a fence is shared or individual owned, each owner should do their part to keep the structure maintained functionally and visually, given a reasonable time frame. Both neighbors should do their best to avoid damages to an existing fence, even if they are prepared to pay for damages.

Is your neighbor required to pay for a sharing fence line?

When it comes to shared boundary fence that both neighbors are in full agreement upon, the costs for initial labor, installation, and materials will be shared. The additional costs of maintenance will also need to be taken care of by both owners. If a new neighbor takes residence, a new agreement will need made.

Know The Details

The important details to acknowledge about the legalities of fence installation in Scandia need completed once your fence layout is complete, but before you break ground. Utilities will need contacted, and the process of obtaining a permit to build the structure will depend on the specifications of the fence and its prospective location.

Do I need a fence permit?

A permit will be required in order to construct or replace a fence. Along with the application you will need to present a detailed plan for your addition. This will need include an accurate site plan of your property showing existing structures and the planned fence location, as well as details of the design such as material and anchoring method.

Who calls the utilities when installing my fence?

The person in charge of installation will be the one to contact Gopher State One to locate utility lines. Whether the installer is a professional or the owner of a DIY project, that person will be responsible for costs in the case of damages to underground utility lines.

Do I need a survey before installing a fence?

A survey is the best way to create the exact site plan required for your permit. However, a certificate of survey will not be required unless your property lines are not easily located. In this case, a certified surveyor will have to visit your property to take exact measurements and locate or place property pins to ensure you do not encroach on neighboring property.

What are the requirements of installing a fence around a swimming pool (above ground and in ground)?

A fence of at least 4 feet and of a non climbable design will be required to surround any swimming pool as an added safety measure. A non climbable design is one without any gaps greater than 4 inches or other possible foot or handholds. Gates must have self closing and self latching hardware installed and secure locks when the area is not in use.

I live on a corner lot. How far do I need to be away from the curb when installing a fence?

Corner lot owners will have to take into account traffic safety needs when considering a fence. A visual safety triangle is measured 50 feet from the intersection of curb lines, connected diagonally through the lot. In this area no structure can exceed 2.5 feet to allow proper vision for oncoming drivers.

Know The Appearance

The security and style one needs from a fence can be hard to find in big-box department stores. Always find a trustworthy fencing company in Scandia that only specializes in fences, and find a fence whose design reflects what you expect from it for your land.

What is the height restrictions on a fence?

In the front setback of your home the maximum height allowance is 4 feet, this limit extends 20 feet past the front setback into the side yards. Anywhere outside the area of 20 feet from the front setback, the limit is increased to 6 feet except when that lot line abuts a road.

Are there any design restrictions?

All fences should be constructed with the finished side facing outward towards the public. Check local HOA guidelines for limitations on color or aethstetic design. All materials used for the fence must be of a durable, all weather design. Dangerous designs, such as those that use an electric current, or sharp edges as a defensive measure are prohibited on, or abutting, residential properties.

How do I choose a fence?

The most important question associated with what fence you purchase should be: does it need to complete an exact purpose? Choose between classic vinyl picket designs or even the full security of vinyl privacy fence.

If you find the perfect fence, do not forget to make sure its height and material will meet the standards in place by the city of Scandia.

It’s The Law

The act of overlooking restrictions on barrier construction might leave a property owner with their newly built fence being moved or taken down. This kind of mistake can allude to fines, and other legal worries.

Northland Fence is a top-rated fencing company in Scandia that can handle following the regulations, while providing you with a durable fence and competent installation.

It's the Law

Understanding how to properly and legally install your fence is the beginning step in the entire process. While it is not as fun as choosing colors or designs, laws must be considered. Follow the specific regulations for the Scandia community and choose a quality fence for a successful installation experience.

Find out why our fence company is Minnesota’s highest reviewed!