Fence Installation Contractors Victoria, MN

Getting a Fence in Victoria, MN

The investment of a new fence needs serious consideration. While pondering the type of barrier to build, know there are standards from the state, the city, and even your neighborhood to abide by. Fence installation in Victoria is made easier when all of the rules are laid out for you to understand and align with purchase options.

Do I need my property pins exposed?

Can I install a boundary fence?

Can I build my fence on an easement?

Where can I place my fence on the property?

Do I need to notify my neighbors when getting a fence?

What is the good neighbor rule and does it apply for my fence?

Do I need a fence permit?

Who calls the utilities when installing my fence?

Do I need a survey before installing a fence?

What is the height restrictions on a fence?

Are there any design restrictions?

How do I choose a fence?

Know Your Property

Once you know the boundaries of the lot, it is common to have an idea of where it can legally be placed. There are many approaches to learning about the limits of your land. You must even consider what public property could come in the way of fence installation in Victoria.

Do I need my property pins exposed?

Prove that construction will only be occurring on your land by having property pins uncovered and visible to the eye. Metal rods are inserted in each corner of the land and these can be replaced by a Certified Surveyor.

Can I build my fence on an easement?

Easements on your property, such as fire hydrants, or utility access, need to remain accessible to their intended user at any time. If a fence prevents or interferes with the rightful use of an easement it may be damaged or removed at the expense of the owner, even if the design was priorly approved.

Can I install a boundary fence?

A boundary fence may be built directly on the property line, but the applicant will need to include a Property Line Authorization form signed by each neighboring property owner with whom the line is shared. The form states that the fence owner is still responsible for maintaining both sides of the fence.

Where can I place my fence on the property?

Fences must be placed inside the property line boundaries of the owner. Fences should not encroach on neighboring property or block public rights of way, water drainage, or required easements on your property. If a fence is to be built on the property line, the neighboring property owner’s signature will need to be added to the application on a property line authorization form.

Know Your Neighbors

Having everything in the open in a community will lead to mutual respect, and less tension. Fence installation in Victoria is no different and should be common knowledge to those around it.

Do I need to notify my neighbors when getting a fence?

Any construction limited to your land does not have to be told to neighbors. Benefits exist from contacting those around the intended structure, like avoiding problems after it is fully perched. Notify neighbors and get their permission if their land needs accessed during the fence installation in Victoria. Do not hook a fence up to a neighbor’s without their written consent, as well.

What is the good neighbor rule and does it apply for my fence?

How well you take care of fences, and any structures on your land is the theme of the good neighbor rule. Do repairs timely and always remember if you are responsible for a boundary fence.

A sharp fence increases property value and this makes the neighborhood’s worth rise as well.

Is your neighbor required to pay for a sharing fence line?

The agreement to build a boundary fence on a shared property line must be completed by both parties out of need of the structure. One party cannot erect a shared fence and ask for payment on the barrier. Fences that exist and were not constructed by either adjoining owner still needs maintained or rebuilt by them both.

Know The Details

Basic standards exist for applying for adding any new structures to you land. For fence installation in Victoria, there is a process to follow so the city approves the fence. It all depends on where the fence is going and its specifications on height.

Do I need a fence permit?

Permits are required to assure as many requirements as possible will be met before construction begins. Your permit will require two copies of a survey or site plan that depicts your property dimension, existing structures and significant foliage, the proposed fence location and a $25 fee. You will also need any foliage that will need to be removed. Be sure to have a good idea of your fence design so it can accurately be described on the application.

Who calls the utilities when installing my fence?

Fence installers will need to contact Gopher State One to schedule an inspection of the property and mark the locations of underground utility lines. The actual installer will be liable for potential damages so the person in charge of installation, DIY or professional will need to make this call. Fence post locations may need to be adjusted to avoid damages.

Do I need a survey before installing a fence?

A certificate of survey is the most accurate type of site plan but is not required for a fence permit in Victoria. A site plan will be needed, but if you can accurately locate property lines and create an accurate map of your property, the plan can be made yourself. However, a certified surveyor will also be able to identify any other variances on your property that have their own specific regulations.

I live on a corner lot. How far do I need to be away from the curb when installing a fence?

Corner lot owners need to be aware of the triangular vision area formed at the intersection of any two rows. This vision triangle’s 3 points are located at the intersection and 40 feet down either curb line. In this area no structure may exceed 30 inches. This is a safety measure for drivers approaching the intersection.

Know The Appearance

Find a barrier that you love, but one that will also meet all appearance standards. The state and city will limit height and material, but the neighborhood you live in could have specific HOA standards to complete on the appropriate color schemes.

What is the height restrictions on a fence?

The maximum height allowance for a residential fence is 6 feet, but this is only for the backyard. Fences in the front an side yard a limited to 3 feet and must also be of a 50% open decorative design. A fence that is any taller than 6 feet will require a building permit and will have to conform to those setback and building requirements.

Are there any design restrictions?

Fences within the front and side yard must be of a decorative designs, which is defined as one that is at least 50% open space and is no taller than 3 feet. The finished side, without structural supports, is always required to face toward neighboring properties. Any fence must be kept maintained to safe and visually pleasing standard on both sides.

Materials must be suitable for construction, meaning they are durable and weather resistant. Designs such as electric or barbed fencing are considered too dangerous for residential areas and therefore prohibited.

How do I choose a fence?

Focus why you need a fence on your land, and let the design reflect its use. Critical thinking can help you choose between the utilities of vinyl privacy fence to black chain link. Durable materials will produce savings over time because of its need of only light maintenance. Keeping a fence to code after erected is important, and what exactly the fence is made of makes a world of difference.

It’s The Law

Much time is saved when you have completely researched fence installation in Victoria. This process may prove difficult to those who are not familiar with all the legalities. Northland Fence is a top-rated fencing company in Minnesota with a knowledgeable staff to complete barrier construction according to all laws.

It's the Law

Understanding how to properly and legally install your fence is the beginning step in the entire process. While it is not as fun as choosing colors or designs, laws must be considered. Follow the specific regulations for the Victoria community and choose a quality fence for a successful installation experience.

Find out why our fence company is Minnesota’s highest reviewed!