How New Technology Has Improved Fence Durability and Appearance

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New technology has made fencing more durable and more practical than ever before. The addition of powder coatings had increased the longevity of metal fences while allowing an easy way to apply coloration. Vinyl offers a long-lived alternative to even the most well-kept wooden fences. And a combination of lightweight chain link fencing with coverings and support have made outdoor sports arenas, and homes, safer than once thought possible.

Here’s just a small sample of the improvement we’ll be talking about below:

  • The addition of vinyl to the market, which increases the lifespan of picket fences.
  • The creation of powder sealants for metal fences that make anti-weathering easier than ever.
  • The use of chain link, which uses a mesh weave to enhance its durability, in combination with anti-weathering materials like vinyl stripping.

Vinyl as an Alternative to Wood

Wooden fences are considered a classic way to encircle your property, but the wood itself has become less successful at that job over time. Vinyl is used as a regular replacement for wood, and without a close inspection wood stained vinyl can even look identical to the real thing. Vinyl rarely needs to be painted, while wood is weathered over time and loses its color. And while even well-maintained wood fences will only last 20 years or so, vinyl consistently lasts 20 years or more.

Vinyl also serves in the different fencing methods that one would normally have to turn to wood for, instead of metal. Vinyl can serve as a substitute for wood when making horizontal fencing, and won’t warp the way wooden boards do. New techniques also mean that different forms of vinyl picket fencing have also become prevalent, and can be produced more cheaply than their wrought-iron or wood counterparts.

Wrought Iron

Wrought iron fences are, despite the misnomer, made of modern steel which is resistant to rust and weathering. Unlike traditional iron fences, the inside remains mostly iron while the outside is covered in a steel polymer that prevents rain or UV rays from sinking deeper into the material. If the metal gets scratched or worn though, the openings in the surface can allow moisture to sink in beneath the steel and damage the iron center.


Aluminum is usually the alternative metal for fencing, aside from classic iron fencing. Aluminum is not welded together but is instead bolted together. The bolting process allows it to be arrayed in different ways, allowing for variation when it is necessary on site. Plus, the lack of an ion interior makes aluminum a better choice if you think your fence might get scratched or dented.


Metal fences don’t require paint, but applying a powder coating once a year before winter or wet seasons helps protect against rust and corrosion. Powder coating comes in different colors, allowing you to skip buying individual paints. Instead, you can change the color of your fence as you apply the coating. The powder is held in place by an electrostatic charge, and then the coating is cured with heat that easily finishes the job.

Chain Link

Chain link fences meanwhile continue to provide an inexpensive way to fence in your yard. You might not find chain link to be very appealing to the eye, but that’s exactly where innovations in chain link have thrived. Chain link fences are now dipped in steel, and then many are covered in vinyl strips that can be painted green, brown, or other colors to give your fence an eye-catching finish.


Slats have become another recent addition to chain fences, which fulfill a similar role of obscuring sight lines through your fence. The combination has been adopted in windy cities due to its ability to cut down airflow. Tennis courts and other outside sporting areas also use the combination for its ability to reduce the amount of rain falling onto the field, which enables it to dry out and become available for play much quicker.

The Future of Fences

The appearance and longevity of fences are changing. The emergence of new technologies allows us to replace materials like wood that suffer significant damage from weathering with more resistant materials like vinyl. And chain link and iron-wrought fences are more durable thanks to electrostatic powders that are easy to apply, and seal out rust and other tarnishing substances, making them an effective solution as a reliable first line in home security.