It’s difficult to put a price on privacy.
Chances are if you own any type of property, you’ve considered a fence of some sort. Perhaps you’ve already taken that extra course of action and purchased one.
For the sake of this blog, let’s assume you’ve built a chain-link fence around your property.
Typically, this type of fence is reliable and gets the job done. However, if you’ve ever seen a chain-link fence, you know just how easy they are to see through. If you’re looking for that extra layer of privacy, one simple adjustment can go a long way.
Here’s the kicker: It’s fairly easy to do, so you’re in luck.
Let’s take a look at how you can add an extra layer of security and privacy to your chain link fence by looking into chain link privacy fencing.
Improving Your Privacy With a Windscreen
It goes without saying: A fence that provides privacy can improve the safety of your property.
While chain-link fences may not be as private as, let’s say, a tall vinyl fence, certain customization can improve that.
If your property has a chain-link fence, an easy way to boost your privacy is by installing a fabric or mesh windscreen. Just as the name implies, not only can windscreens be beneficial against Mother Nature’s gusts, they can also prevent unwanted onlookers from eyeing your property or even from climbing your fence to trespass.
Chances are you’ve seen a windscreen at some point. They’re commonly found on fences surrounding sports facilities, commercial buildings, construction sites, and yes, even homes.
According to fence experts, windscreens not only provide more privacy and safety, but they’re budget-friendly, easy to install, and require little work. With various colors and materials to choose from, you can even customize your windscreen to match the beauty of your property. If you own a company or sports facility, you can also have your windscreens customized to display sponsors and advertisements, making your purchase a savvy business decision as well.
Windscreens are placed over the fence and vary in size. The most common way to attach these to your fence is with durable zip ties.
To clean your windscreen, many suggest simply using soap and water.
Many have already added a windscreen in search of more privacy. If you own a chain-link fence and would like more privacy and protection from the outside world, a windscreen could be perfect for you. Prices vary depending on fence sizes and materials used. Remember, a simple discussion with the fence company of your choosing may answer all of your questions.
The Chain Link Fence: Popular for a Reason
Chain link fences are one of the most common fence types in the United States.
These fences are perfect if you’re looking to add security to your property. This type of fence is not only affordable but also an investment in quality.
Chain link fences are made from galvanized or coated steel wires that run vertically and are fixed into patterns shaped like diamonds. This creates a strong mesh without the need for a lot of materials. The mesh stretches between posts that are driven deep into the ground.
Since these fences are usually galvanized or coated steel, they’re more durable and not as prone to rusting. The mesh design also makes them quite strong.
Also, if you’re trying to add value to your home, many experts agree a fence can do just that. According to a Wall Street Journal article from 2020, “Analyzing Google Street View photos and sales data from 88,980 properties in the greater Denver area, the researchers determined that on average home with excellent curb appeal sold for 7% more than a similar house in the same neighborhood with poor curb appeal. In slow real-estate markets (when buyers can afford to be choosier), that premium rose to as high as 14%.”
Also, durability shouldn’t be an issue. Your chain link fence should last for decades.
Whether you’re looking to keep your children or pets within the perimeters of your property or looking to keep unwanted guests out, you can do so at a typically lower price compared with other fences.
How to Plan for Your Future Fence
Planning for anything can be stressful, but thankfully, technology has helped ease that quite a bit.
Years ago, it would have been nearly impossible to see a virtual design of your fence before it’s been installed. Nowadays, it’s a few simple clicks away.
For those in the market for a fence, a virtual online fence builder is your best friend. The best part is: It’s free.
This tool will give you a rough estimate of cost and a better look at various designs. All you’ll have to do is type in your address, and the program will pull up a satellite view of your property. You can then virtually build your desired fence. You can choose the type of fence, color, and height.
How Much Should I Expect to Pay for a Chain Link Fence?
Chain link fences are typically less expensive than other types of fences but still get the job done.
Typically, property owners pay from $10-$75 per linear foot of fence depending on what type of material is used.
The cost of a chain-link fence usually falls between $1,100 and $2,800. This is much less expensive than other options like wrought iron fences, which can reach upward of $8,000.
Other factors that will contribute to the cost of your fence include:
- Manual labor
- Building permits
- Marking underground utilities
- Removing old fence materials
- Excavation
- Gate installation
At the end of the day, it’s also important to find a reliable contractor who’s right for you. They’ll also be able to go over cost estimates and any other questions you may have.
Northland Fence: Reliable and Dedicated to Quality Work
It’s hard to find a company that knows more about fences than Minnesota-based Northland Fence.
After more than 15 years in business, Northland has become a staple in the fencing industry. They take great pride in their products, installations, and the experience they provide their customers.
Northland Fence has taken steps to look after its customers by using quality materials and removing from their inventory ones that don’t meet their core values. Instead of using cedar, they use more reliable and durable vinyl materials. Additionally, instead of aluminum, they use steel. They were also the first company in Minnesota to use driven posts on all of their fences.
From the start, you will work with an experienced Northland Fence employee. You won’t have to work with a subcontractor.
Call Northland Fence at 763-316-4881.
Get your free quote today.
What is the purpose of a windscreen?
Windscreens are used for a variety of reasons. They’re typically used on chain link fences and can protect your property from damaging winds and unwanted onlookers, prevent people or wildlife from climbing your fence, and simply boost your privacy as a whole.
How long does a windscreen last?
It truly depends. Your best option would be to consider companies that offer a warranty. This can give you some peace of mind when purchasing a windscreen.
How do I hide an old fence?
If you’re looking to hide your fence‘s age and damaged areas, a windscreen could be the solution to your problem. However, if your fence is severely damaged and teetering on the edge of just falling apart, it’s probably time to install a new one. Call Northland Fence today to meet your fencing needs.